July 21-24, 2024 | Williamsburg Lodge
310 S England St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
For any behavioral concerns at the conference, please contact advocates@apavirginia.com.
For questions or logistical issues, please contact
Cancellation Policy
Registration can be refunded in full, minus a $50 processing fee, if requested in writing by Friday, June 21, 2024
Registration can be refunded at 50% if requested in writing by Friday, July 5, 2024
Requests can be emailed to admin@apavirginia.com
Transfer Policy
Conference Registration is fully transferable until July 16, 2024.
conference registration functions best in google chrome browser.
General FAQ
How do I buy a ticket?
You can purchase tickets on our website.
How much does it cost to attend?
Pricing is listed on the main Registration Page. Conference rates are currently priced at the Early Bird rate, but will increase on July 6, 2024.
Where will the conference be held?
The conference will be held at the Williamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia. All venue information can be found on the Conference Travel Page.
How do I attend the conference?
To attend the conference you must first purchase a ticket. Attendees must also make their own hotel accommodations if planning to stay at the hotel.
All sessions will be hosted in person. There is not a virtual or hybrid option.
How do I make hotel accommodations?
Hotel accommodations can be made by individual call-in or here no later than June 24, 2024 to secure the Chapter rate. Reservations made after this date are subject to the availability of the hotel and their current rates.​
Conference Rate: $199/night
How do I go on the mobile tours?
To participate in the mobile tours you must first purchase a ticket. The mobile tours will take place on throughout the conference program. More information is available about Mobile Tours here. Pricing is listed on the main Registration Page.
What qualifies me for the New Professional rate?
This is an individual in the planning profession 2 years or less and is registered with APA as a New Planning Professional. You will be asked to provide you APA member number. Pricing is listed on the main Registration Page.
What qualifies me for the Student rate?
By registering for this rate, you are certifying that you are currently enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or post-graduate program or graduated in June 2023. You must also be registered with APA as a student. This is free to do and available to any college student. You will be asked to provide you APA member number. Pricing is listed on the main Registration Page.
What qualifies me for the Planning Commissioner rate?
You are currently a Planning Commissioner. You will be asked to identify the locality during registration. Pricing is listed on the main Registration Page.
What qualifies me for the Speaker rate?
This rate is available to those individuals who are presenters in one of the conference sessions. If you are a speaker and only attend your session during the conference, you do not have to pay but must still register. Please contact Conference staff for more information, admin@apavirginia.com
How should I register if I am purchasing tickets for multiple people?
Please register each person individually and be sure to use THE ATTENDEE'S email address when completing the registration process. This is imperative as we use this to communicate with conference attendees before and during the conference.
Please register complete an individual registration for each person and choose MANUAL PAYMENT at checkout. Please contact Conference Staff at admin@apavirginia.com for an invoice for the total of tickets purchased. IMPORTANT - Please indicate the first and last names of each person you registered in your email.
What happens if I need to cancel my registration?
Please contact APA Virginia immediately, admin@apavirginia.com. Please note, you will be charged an administrative fee per the Cancellation Policy.
What is the Cancellation Policy?
Registration can be refunded in full, minus a $50 processing fee, if requested in writing by Friday, June 21. Registration can be refunded at 50% if requested in writing by Friiday, July 5.
Can I transfer my registration to someone else?
Registration is transferable without penalty until July 16. Please contact APA Virginia staff directly to do so.
What is the last day to register for the conference?
​Tickets are available through the duration of the conference.
Why am I asked for certain personal identifiers on my conference registration?
APA Member ID - This verifies you are in good standing and are eligible for the the APA member rates
Birthdate - Our receptions include alcohol and often we have attendees who are under the age of 21. We need to be able to verify those who are and are not of legal drinking age.
Emergency Contact - We hope we don't have to use this information, but in case of an emergency we need to be able to contact someone on your behalf.
A cell phone number for the attendee during the conference - Often attendees list their office phone as a phone contact in the registration process and when you are onsite there may be a time sensitive issue that we may need to contact you about immediately. Your cell phone is the best way to do that.
Can I register family members or other guests for mobile tours?
​The only people who can register for mobile tours are those who are fully registered for the conference. MObile tours have limited capacity, so we are not able to open them to family and guests. We do encourage you to purchase guest tickets and bring them to the evening receptions and Awards Luncheon.
Can I register family members or other guests for evening receptions?
​There are GUEST TICKETS available for both the Sunday and Monday receptions. You are welcome to register and bring guest/family members, but a ticket must be purchased. We encourage you to purchase them ahead of time, as the price does increase when they are purchased onsite at the conference. Also if purchasing for an attendee or family member under 21, please select the UNDER 21 TICKET.
Conference Attendee Ticket - $15 ($25 when purchased onsite)
Conference Attendee Under 21 Ticket - $15 ($25 when purchased onsite)
Guest Ticket - $25 ($35 when purchased onsite)
Guest Under 21 Ticket - $25 ($35 when purchased onsite)
What meals are included in my conference registration?
Sunday - No Meals Included
Monday - Continental Breakfast, Buffet Lunch
Tuesday - Continental Breakfast, Plated Lunch
Wednesday - Continental Breakfast
*Dependent on conference sponsorships morning and afternoon snack breaks will be available on Monday and Tuesday.
*Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Receptions are individually ticketed. Each ticket includes appetizers and 1-2 drink tickets (dependent on sponsorship investment). The food at these events ARE NOT designed to be or promoted as a dinner meal. Attendees are encouraged to take advantage of the great restaurants in the area and make independent dinner plans each night.
The Awards Lunch is included in the Full Conference registration. An Awards Luncheon ticket is ONLY NEEDED if you do not already have a Conference Registration that includes Tuesday's program
What are payment options?
You can pay online with a credit card or pay by check.
All checks should be made payable to, APA Virginia.
Please indicate 2024 Annual Conference on the memo line.
All checks can be mailed to:
APA Virginia
Attn: 2024 Annual Conference
PO Box 636
Richmond, Virginia 23218
What if I am paying for more than 1 attendee?
Please contact Conference staff at admin@apavirginia.com if you would like to pay via invoice. Payment must be received before the conference.
Do you accept payments by check?
We certainly do. Please choose manual payment at checkout. All checks should be made payable to APA Virginia. Please indicate 2024 Annual Conference in the memo line.
All checks can be mailed to:
APA Virginia
Attn: 2024 Annual Conference
PO Box 636
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Is parking included in my conference registration?
No. There is no parking pass included in your conference registration.
If you are staying at the Williamsburg Lodge or one of their properties their will provide you with parking
instructions upon check-in that is included in your hotel stay.
If you are driving in please see parking options listed below.
Hotel Address & Contact Information:
Williamsburg Lodge
310 S. England Street
Williamsburg, VA 23185
On-Site Parking:
Self park overnight: Free for conference attendees booking at the Lodge
Additional Parking (for those not staying at Williamsburg Lodge):
230 N. Henry St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Daily rate of $12.00
No overnight parking!
Other Conference Questions
Will there be a virtual or hybrid conference option?
No, all sessions will be hosted in-person, only.
Will all sessions be certified for CM credits?
All sessions are being submitted for CM credits
What are your COVID protocols?
There is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID in any public space and exposure is possible despite following all recommended guidelines. Protocols will remain consistent with CDC recommendations, as well as any current state regulation at the time of the conference. All conference attendees will be expected to follow all local and state public health mandates and on-site guidelines.
Currently, Virginia does not require proof of vaccination and does not have a mask mandate.
By attending APA Virginia’s Annual conference, you are assuming all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. APA Virginia will not be liable for any real or perceived exposure to COVID-19 or other transmitted conditions.
If you do not feel well or have been exposed to someone with COVID within 14 days of attending the Conference, please stay home.
Any questions or inquiries can be directed to APA Virginia Staff
Eldon James, Martina James or Gillian Saul
**Please check back as FAQ page may be updated